
 B.Turner, E. Frossard and D.S. Baldwin (eds – 2005) Organic Phosphorus in the Environment CABI Publishing, Wallingford.UK. 399pp. ISBN 0 85199 822 4. 2005

D.S. Baldwin, D.L Nielsen, T. Bowen and J. Williams (2005) Recommended Methods for Monitoring Floodplains and Wetlands.  Murray-Darling Basin Commission, Canberra.  ISBN 1921038 20 9.

Refereed Journal Articles:

G. Beavis, V. N. Wong, L.M. Mosley, D. S. Baldwin J.O. Latimer P. Lane and A. Lal (2023) Water quality risks in the Murray-Darling Basin. Australasian Journal of Water Science DOI10.1080/13241583.2022.2163475

C.A. Boys, D. S. Baldwin, I. Ellis, J. Pera and K. Cheshire (2022) Review of options for creating and maintaining oxygen refuges for fish during destratification-driven hypoxia in rivers.  Marine and Freshwater Research. 73(2):  200-210 DOI 10.1071/MF20364.

D.S. Baldwin, C. A. Boys, A-M Rohlfs, I Ellis, J. Pera.  (2022) Field trials to determine the efficacy of aerators to mitigate hypoxia in inland waterways.  Marine and Freshwater Research.  73(2): 211-222. DOI 10.1071/MF20365.

P.J. McInerney, G. Holt, R. E. Lester, R. M. Thompson, B. Robson, D. S. Ryder, N. R. Bond, D. S. Baldwin, B. Gawne and R. Petrie.  (2020) Basal Resources and energy sources in three habitats of a lowland river ecosystem.  Limnology and Oceanography, 65(11) 2757 – 2771.

L. Bowling, D.S. Baldwin, C. Merrick, J,. Brayan and J. Panther (2018). Possible drivers of a Chrysosporum ovalisporum bloom in the Murray River, Australia in 2016.  Marine and Freshwater Research. 69, 1649 – 1662.

P.Davies, S. Lawerence, J. Turnbull, I. Rutherfurd, J. Grove, E. Silvester, D. Baldwin and M. Macklin. (2018). Reconstruction of historical riverine sediment production on the goldfields of Victoria, Australia. Anthropocene 21, 1-15.

B.J. Robson, R. E. Lester, D. S. Baldwin, N. R. Bond, R. Drouart, R. J. Rolls, D. S. Ryder and R.M Thompson (2017) Modelling food-web mediated effects of hydrological variability and environmental flows.  Water Research, 124, 108-128

BJ. Wolfenden, S. M. Wassens, K. M Jenkins, D. S. Baldwin, T. Kobayashi and J. Maguire (2017) Adaptive management of return flows: Lessons from a case study in environmental water delivery to a floodplain river. Environmental Management (in press; DOI: 10.1007/s00267-017-0861-0)

R.J. Rolls, D.S. Baldwin, N. R. Bond, R. E. Lester, B. J. Robson, D. S. Ryder, R. M Thompson and G.A. Watson (2017) A framework for evaluating food-web responses to hydrological manipulations in riverine systems. Journal of Environmental Management 203, 136-150C. Watkins, D. S. Baldwin, H. P. Waudby and S. E. M.A. Ning. Managing rain-filled wetlands for carbon sequestration: a synthesis. Rangelands Journal. 39(2) 145-152 (DOI: 10.1071/RJ16077)

J. Dabrowski, D. S. Baldwin, L. Hill and J. Shadung (2017). The impact of temporary desiccation on the mobility of nutrients and metals from the sediments of Loskop reservoir, Olifants River. Water SA, 43(1) 711-719 DOI: 10.4314/wsa.v43i1.02.

S.M. Mitrovic and D. S. Baldwin (2016) The role of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon in river, lake and coastal systems: transport, function and ecological role. Marine and Freshwater Research 67(9) i-iv. DOI: 10.1071/MFv67n9-ED

D.S. Baldwin, M. J. Colloff, S. M. Mitrovic, N. R. Bond, and B. Wolfenden. Restoring dissolved organic carbon subsidies from floodplains to lowland river food webs: a role for environmental flows? Marine and Freshwater Research. 67(9) 1387-1399. DOI: 10.1071/MF15382.

N.W. Attygalla, D. S. Baldwin, E. Silvester, P. Kappen and K. L. Whitworth (2016). The severity of sediment desiccation affects the adsorption characteristics and speciation of phosphorus. Environmental Science: processes and Impacts. 18, 64-71. DOI 10.1039/C5EM00523J

K.L. Whitworth and D. S. Baldwin (2016). Improving our capacity to manage hypoxic blackwater events in lowland rivers: the blackwater risk assessment tool. Ecological Modelling 320, 292-298.

S Müller, S. M. Mitrovic and D. S. Baldwin (2015).  Oxygen and dissolved organic carbon control release of N, P and Fe from the sediments of a shallow polymictic lake.  Journal of Soils and Sediments DOI: 10.1007/s11368-015-1298-9.

S. Dillon, R. McEvoy, D. S. Baldwin, G.N Rees, S. Southerton, C. Campbell and Y. Parsons (2015) Genetic diversity of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. following extreme drought: implications for the management of river red gum floodplain forests. Austral Ecology 40(5), 558-572. DOI: 10.1111/aec.12223.

R. Cook, B. Gawne, R. Petrie, D. S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees, D. L. Nielsen and N.S.P. Ning (2015). River Metabolism and carbon dynamics in response to flooding in a lowland river. Marine and Freshwater Research.  66(10), 919 -927. DOI: 10.1071/MF14199.

D.S. Baldwin, W.L Paul, J.S. Wilson, T. Pitman G.N Rees and A.R. Klein (2015) Changes to soil carbon from a semi-arid lowland forested floodplain in response to flooding. Freshwater Science 34(2), 431-439.

D.S. Baldwin and W. Valo (2015) Exploring the relationship between the optical properties of water and the quality and quantity of dissolved organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems: strong correlations do not always equate to strong predictive power. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts 17, 619-630. DOI: 10.1039/C4EM00473F

S.Dillon, R. McEvoy, D. S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees, Y. Parsons and S. Southerton (2014). Characterization of adaptive genetic diversity in environmentally contrasted populations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Denh. (River red gum) PLoS One 9(8): e103515. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103515.

S.M. Mitrovic, D.P Westhorpe, T. Kobayashi, D.S. Baldwin, D. Ryan and J. Hitchcock (2014) Short-term changes in zooplankton density and community structure in response to different sources of dissolved organic carbon in an unconstrained lowland river: evidence for food web support.  Journal of Plankton Research. 36, 1488-1500; doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbu072

K.L Whitworth, E. Silvester and D.S. Baldwin (2014). Alkalinity capture during microbial sulfate reduction and implications for the acidification of inland aquatic ecosystems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 130, 113-125.

K.L Whitworth, D.S. Baldwin and J. Kerr (2014). The effect of temperature on leaching and subsequent decomposition of dissolved organic carbon from inundated floodplain litter: implications for the generation of hypoxic blackwater in lowland floodplain rivers.  Chemistry and Ecology 30(6), 491-500

D.S. Baldwin, K. L. Whitworth and C. L Hockley (2014).  Uptake of dissolved organic carbon by biofilms provides insights into the potential impact of loss of large woody debris on the functioning of lowland rivers.  Freshwater Biology 59, 692-702.

D.S. Baldwin, M.J. Colloff, G.N. Rees, A. A. Chariton, G.A. Watson, L.N. Court, D. M. Hartley, M. J. Morgan, A. J. King, J. S. Wilson, M. Hodda and C. M. Hardy. (2013). Impacts of inundation and drought on eukaryote biodiversity in semi-arid floodplain soils. Molecular Ecology 22(6), 1746-1758.

Klein, D. S. Baldwin and E. Silvester (2013). Proton and iron binding by the cyanobacterial toxin microcystin – LR. Environmental Science and Technology 47: 5178 – 5184.

L. Kerr, D. S. Baldwin, M. Tobin, L. Puskar, P. Kappen, G.N. Rees and E. Silvester (2013). High spatial resolution infra-red micro-spectroscopy reveals the mechanism of leaf lignin decomposition by aquatic fungi. PLoS ONE 8(4):e60857.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060857

D.S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees, J.S. Wilson, M.J. Colloff, K.L. Whitworth, T.L. Pitman and T.A. Wallace. (2013). Provisioning of bioavailable carbon between the wet and dry phases in a semi-arid floodplain.  Oecologia 172(2): 539-550.

S.J. Capon, L. E. Chambers, R. Mac Nally, R. J. Naiman, P. Davies, N. Marshall, J. Pittock, M. Reid, T. Capon, M. Douglas, J. Catford, D. S. Baldwin, M. Stewardson, J. Roberts, M. Parsons and S. Williams (2013). Riparian ecosystems in the 21st Century: hotspots for climate change adaptation? Ecosystems 16: 359-381

J.Kerr, D.S. Baldwin and K. Whitworth (2013) Options for managing hypoxic blackwater events in river systems: a review. Journal of Environmental Management 114, 139-147.

D.S. Baldwin (2013). Organic phosphorus in the aquatic environment.  Environmental Chemistry. 10, 439-454.

K.L Whitworth, J.L Kerr, L. M. Mosley, J. Conallin, L. Hardwick, and D.S. Baldwin (2013). Options for managing hypoxic blackwater in river systems: case studies and frameworks.  Environmental Management 52(4), 837-850.

D.S. Baldwin and A.M Mitchell (2012) Impacts of sulfate pollution on anaerobic biogeochemical cycles in a wetland sediment.  Water Research 46, 965-974.

K.L Whitworth D.S. Baldwin and J. Kerr (2012) Drought, floods and water quality: drivers of a severe hypoxic blackwater event in a major river system (the southern Murray-Darling Basin, Australia). Journal of Hydrology 450-1, 190-198.

M. Fraser, D. S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees, E. Silvester and K. Whitworth (2012) Rehabilitation options for inland waterways impacted by sulfidic sediments – Field trials in a south-eastern Australian wetland. Journal of Environmental Management, 102, 71-78.

F. Glover, K. Whitworth, P. Kappen, D. S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees J. Webb and E. Silvester (2011) Acidification and buffering mechanisms in acid sulfate soil (ASS) wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. Environmental Science and Technology 45, 2591 – 2597.

N. Ning, D. Nielsen and D.S. Baldwin (2011). Assessing the potential for biotic communities to recolonise freshwater wetlands impacted by the presence of sulfidic sediments. Freshwater Biology 56, 2299-2315.

I.M. Vasilescu, D. S. Baldwin, D. J. Bourne, J. K. Clegg, Feng Li, L. F. Lindoy and G. V. Meehan (2011) Interaction of Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) with dibenzo-substituted macrocyclic ligands incorporating both symmetrically and unsymmetrically arranged N, O and S donors. Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions. 40(34) 8675-8684.

S. Hladyz, S. Watkins, K. Whitworth and D.S. Baldwin (2011). Flows and hypoxic blackwater events in managed ephemeral streams. Journal of Hydrology 401, 117-125

K. Whitworth and D.S Baldwin (2011) Reduced sulfur accumulation in salinised sediments. Environmental Chemistry.  8, 198-206

J. Wilson, D.S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees and B. P Wilson (2011) Impact of flooding on microbial community structure, microbial activity and carbon dynamics in soil from a grazed and non-grazed floodplain forest. Rivers Research and Applications. 27(2) 213-225.

G.N. Rees, G. Watson, D.S. Baldwin and K. Hall (2010). Sulfide formation in freshwater sediments by sulfate reducing microorganisms with a diverse tolerance to salt. Science of the Total Environment 409, 134-139

A. Klein, D.S. Baldwin, B. Singh and E. Silvester (2010). Salinity-induced acidification in a wetland sediment through the displacement of clay-bound iron(II). Environmental Chemistry.  7, 413-421.

W. L. Hadwen, C. S. Fellows, D. P. Westhorpe, G. Rees, S. M. Mitrovic, B. Taylor, D.S. Baldwin, E. Silvester and R. Croome (2010) Longitudinal trends in river functioning: Patterns of nutrient and carbon processing in three Australian rivers. Rivers Research and Applications. 26, 1129-1152

D.S Baldwin, J. Wilson, H. Gigney and A. Boulding (2010) Influence of extreme drawdown on water quality downstream of a large water storage reservoir. Rivers Research and Applications.  26, 194-206.

M.J. Colloff and D. S. Baldwin (2010). Resilience of floodplain ecosystems in a semi-arid environment. The Rangeland Journal. 32, 305-314.

D.S. Baldwin and M. Fraser (2009). Rehabilitation options for inland waterways impacted by sulfidic sediments – a synthesis. Journal of Environmental Management. 91, 311-319.

A.N. Boulding and D.S. Baldwin (2009). Assessing the impact and potential control of terrestrial plant colonization of a reservoir bed during an extreme drawdown event. Lakes and Reservoirs Research and Management, 14, 21-30.

A.N. Boulding, G.N. Rees, D.S. Baldwin, G.O. Watson and P.J. Suter, (2008) Changes in sediment microbial community structure within a large water-storage reservoir during an extreme drawdown event. Marine and Freshwater Research. 59, 890-896.

J. Wilson and D. S. Baldwin (2008). Exploring the ‘Birch effect’ in reservoir sediments: influence of inundation history on aerobic nutrient release. Chemistry and Ecology, 24, 379-386.

D.S. Baldwin, H. Gigney, J. Wilson, G. Watson and A.N. Boulding (2008).  Drivers of water quality in a large water storage reservoir during a period of extreme drawdown.  Water Research, 42, 4711-4724.

J.A Howitt, D.S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees and B.T. Hart (2008) “Photodegradation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter from forested floodplain sources. Marine and Freshwater Research 59, 780 -791.

D.S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees, G. Watson and J. Williams (2008).  The potential of sediment microbial community structure as either a target or an indicator for the restoration of degraded aquatic ecosystems – preliminary results from a sand-slugged stream.  Ecological Management and Restoration. 9, 156-159.

D.S. Baldwin and A. Boulding (2008) Developing a strategy for monitoring phytoplankton community structure in a large water-storage reservoir: Lake Mulwala Australia. Lakes and Reservoirs Research and Management. 13, 221-229.

S. Baldwin and J. Howitt (2007) Baseline assessment of metals and hydrocarbons in the sediments of Lake Mulwala, Australia. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 12, 167-174.

D.S. Baldwin and J Williams (2007). Differential release of nitrogen and phosphorus from anoxic sediments. Chemistry and Ecology 23, 243-249.

J. Howitt, D. S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees and J. Williams (2007) Modelling blackwater: predicting water quality during flooding of lowland river forests. Ecological Modelling 203, 229-242.

D.S. Baldwin, K. C. Hall, G. N. Rees and A. Richardson (2007).  Development of a protocol for recognising sulfidic sediments (potential acid sulfate soils) in inland wetlands. Ecological Management and Restoration 8, 56-60.

B. McCarthy, A. Conalin, P. D’Santos and D. Baldwin (2006) Acidification, salinisation and fish kills at an inland wetland in south-eastern Australia following partial drying. Ecological Management and Restoration. 7, 218-223.

K. Hall, D.S. Baldwin, G. Rees and A. Richardson (2006) Distribution of inland wetlands with sulfidic sediments in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia. The Science of the Total Environment. 370, 235-244.

D.S. Baldwin, G. Rees, A. Mitchell, G. Watson and J. Williams (2006) The short-term effects of salinization on anaerobic nutrient cycling and microbial community structure in sediment from a freshwater wetland.  Wetlands, 26, 455-464.

G.N Rees, G.O. Watson, D.S. Baldwin and A.M. Mitchell (2006) Variability in the sediment microbial communities in a semi-permanent stream: impact on drought. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 25, 370-378.

D.S. Baldwin, A. M. Mitchell, G. N. Rees, G. O. Watson and J. L. Williams (2006). Nitrogen processing by biofilms along a lowland river continuum.  Rivers Research and Applications. 22, 319-326.

D.S. Baldwin, G.N. Rees, A.M. Mitchell and G. Watson (2005) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Nitrogen Dynamics in an Upland Stream before and after a Drought.  Marine and Freshwater Research 56, 457-464

J. Howitt, D.S. Baldwin, B.T. Hart and G.N. Rees (2004) Facilitated heterogeneous photodegradation of dissolved organic matter by particulate iron. Environmental Chemistry 1, 197-205.

G.N Rees, D.S. Baldwin, G.O Watson, S. Perryman, D.L. Nielsen (2004) Ordination and Significance Testing of Microbial Community Composition Derived from Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms: Application of Multivariate Statistics, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology 84, 339-347.

D.L. Nielsen, M. Brock, G. N. Rees and D. S. Baldwin (2003) The effect of increasing salinity on freshwater ecosystems in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 51, 655-665

D.S. Baldwin, J. Whittington and R. Oliver (2003) Temporal Variability of dissolved P speciation in a eutrophic reservoir – implications for predicting algal growth.  Water Research 37, 4595-4598

D.S. Baldwin, G. Rees, M. Edwards and A. Robertson. (2003) A simple reproducible substrate for studying biofilms in aquatic ecosystems.  Environmental Technology.  24, 711-717.

P. Humphries and D.S. Baldwin (2003). Drought and aquatic ecosystems: an introduction. Freshwater Biology. 48, 1141-1147.

K. Adam, D.S. Baldwin, L.F. Lindoy, G. Meehan, I. Vasilescu, and G. Wei (2003) Metal-Ion Recognition. Modelling the stability constants of some mixed-donor macrocyclic metal ion complexes – a simple Model. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 352, 46-50.

D.S. Baldwin, B. F. Bowden, P.A Duckworth, L. F. Lindoy, B. C. McCool, G. V. Meehan, I. Vasilescu and S.B. Wild (2002); New Macrocyclic Ligands XIV.  Synthesis and X-Ray Structure of Potentially Pentadentate ligands incorporating non-symmetrically spaced N4S- N3OS- N2O2S- and N2S2O – Heteroatoms.  Australian Journal of Chemistry. 55, 597-603.

D.S. Baldwin, L. Coleman, J. Beattie, and D. Jones (2001) Hydrolysis of an Organophosphate Ester by Manganese Dioxide.  Environmental Science and Technology.  35, 713- 716.

Inman, J. Beattie, D. Jones and D.S. Baldwin (2001) Abiotic hydrolysis of the detergent builder tripolyphosphate by hydrous manganese dioxide. Water Research. 35, 1987-1993

M. O’Connell, D.S Baldwin, G. Rees and A. Robertson (2000) Release and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter from floodplain litter: Influence of origin and oxygen levels. Freshwater Biology, 45, 333-342.

D.S. Baldwin and A.M. Mitchell (2000) Effects of Drying and Re-flooding on the Sediment/Soil Nutrient-Dynamics of Lowland River Floodplain Systems -A Synthesis.  Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, 16, 457- 467.

D.S. Baldwin, A. M. Mitchell and G. Rees (2000) The effects of in situ drying on sediment-P interactions in sediments from an old wetland. Hydrobiologia, 431, 3-12.

A. Mitchell and D.S. Baldwin (1999) The effects of sediment desiccation on the potential for nitrification, denitrification and methanogenesis in an Australian reservoir. Hydrobiologia, 392, 3-11.

D.S. Baldwin (1999) DOM and Dissolved P Leached from Fresh and ‘Terrestrially’-Aged River Red Gum Leaves – Implications for Assessing River-Floodplain Interactions. Freshwater Biology, 41, 675-685.

H.M. King, D. S. Baldwin, G. Rees and S. McDonald (1999) Apparent Bioaccumulation of Mn derived from Paper-Mill Effluent by the Freshwater Crayfish Cherax destructor- The Role of Mn Oxidising Bacteria. Science of the Total Environment, 226, 261- 267.

D.S. Baldwin (1998) Reactive ‘Organic’ Phosphorus revisited.  Water Research.  32, 2265- 2270.

A. M. Mitchell and D.S. Baldwin (1998) The effects of desiccation/oxidation on the potential for bacterially mediated P release from sediments. Limnology and Oceanography. 43, 481-487.

D.S. Baldwin, P. Ford and D. L. Nielsen (1998) Resolution of the Spatial Variability in Sediment Composition within and Between Water-Storage Reservoirs Using Non-parametric Statistical Techniques, Water Research. 32, 826-830.

D.S. Baldwin, A. Mitchell and G. Rees (1998) Evidence for Bacterially Mediated P Release from Anoxic Sediments.  Mineralogical Magazine 62A, 96-97.

D.S. Baldwin (1996)The Effects of Exposure to Air and Subsequent Drying on the Phosphate Adsorption Characteristics of Sediments from a Eutrophic Reservoir, Limnology and Oceanography 41, 1725- 1732.

D.S. Baldwin (1996) The Phosphorus Composition of a Diverse Series of Australian Sediments, Hydrobiologia 335, 63-73.

S. Baldwin, J. Beattie and D. Jones (1996) Hydrolysis of an Organic Phosphorus Compound by Iron-Oxide Impregnated Filter Papers. Water Research 30, 1123-1126.

D.S. Baldwin, J. Beattie, L. Coleman and D. Jones (1995) Phosphate-Ester Hydrolysis Facilitated by Mineral Phases, Environmental Science and Technology, 26, 1706-1709.

K. Adam, D. Baldwin, P. Duckworth, L. Lindoy, M. McPartlin, A. Bashall, H. Powell and P. Tasker (1995) Macrocyclic Ligand Design. Effect of Donor-set and Ring-size Variation on Silver(I)/Lead(II) Discrimination within an Extended Series of Dibenzo Substituted Rings., Journal of the  Chemical Society Dalton Transactions.,1127- 1131.

K. Adam, S. Arshad, D. Baldwin, P. Duckworth, A. Leong, L. Lindoy, B. McCool, M. McPartlin, B. Tailor and P. Tasker (1994) Structure-Function Relationships in the Interaction of Zinc (II) and Cadmium (II) with an Extended Range of 16- to 19- Membered Macrocycles Incorporating Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Donor Atoms, Inorganic Chemistry 33, 1194-1200.

K. Adam, D. Baldwin, A. Bashall, L.Lindoy, M. McPartlin and H. Powell (1994) Metal-Ion Recognition. Donor-Set Control of Silver (I)/Lead (II) Discrimination Using Mixed-Donor Macrocylcic Ligands., Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions, 237-238.

K. Adam, M. Antolovich, D. Baldwin, P. Duckworth, L.Lindoy, M. McPartlin and P. Tasker (1993) Ligand Design and Metal-Ion recognition. The Interaction of Copper (II) with a range of 16- to 19-Membered Macro cycles Incorporating Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur Donor Atoms., Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions, 1013-1017.

K. Adam, M. Antolovich, D. Baldwin, L. Brigden, P. Duckworth, L.Lindoy, A. Barshall, M. McPartlin and P. Tasker (1992) Ligand Design and Metal-Ion recognition. Comparison of the Interaction of Cobalt (II) and Nickel (II) with 16- to 19-Membered Mixed-Donor Macrocycles, Journal of the Chemical Society Dalton Transactions, 1869-1976.

D.S. Baldwin and L. Lindoy (1989) Ligand Design for Selective Metal-Ion Transport Through Liquid Membranes. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 61, 909-914.

D.S. Baldwin, L. Lindoy and D. Graddon (1988) Comparative Calorimetric and 1H N.M.R. Studies of the Interaction of Ag (I) with a Series of Mixed-Donor Macrocycles Incorporating Nitrogen, Oxygen and/or Sulfur Donor Atoms, Australian Journal of Chemistry, 41, 1347-1352.

K, Adam, D. Baldwin, P. Duckworth, L. Lindoy, A. Leong, M. McPartlin and P. Tasker (1987) A New Series of Quinquedentate Macrocycles Exhibiting Systematic Donor-Atom Variation: Equilibrium and X-Ray Structural Data for their Interaction with Copper (II), Journal of the Chemical Society Chemical Communications, 1124-1125.

D.S. Baldwin, P. Duckworth, G. Erickson, L. Lindoy, M. McPartlin, G. Mockler and P. Tasker (1987) New Macrocyclic Ligands. Synthesis of an Extensive Series of Potentially PentadentateLigands Containing Mixed Nitrogen, Oxygen and/or Sulfur Heteroatoms. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 40, 1861-1872.

D.S. Baldwin, M. McCabe and F.G. Thomas (1984) The Respiratory Gas Carrying Capacity of Ascidian Blood. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A, 79, 479-482.

Book Chapters:

D. S. Baldwin (2020) Water quality in the Murray-Darling Basin: The potential impacts of climate change In Ecohydrology from catchment to coast Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: Its Future Management (BT Hart, NR Bond, N Byron CA Pollino and MJ Stewardson (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp 137 – 162.

A. K. Sharpe, D. S. Baldwin, F. Dyer and I. Conlan (2020). Future Environmental Water Management in Ecohydrology from catchment to coast Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: Its Future Management (BT Hart, NR Bond, N Byron CA Pollino and MJ Stewardson (eds). Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp 291 – 312.

R. Gomez, M. Isabel, D.S. Baldwin and Dahm C (2017) Water Physiochemistry in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams in Intermittent Rivers: Ecology and Management T. Datry, N. Bonada and A. Boulton (eds). (Accepted)

D.S. Baldwin. Microbially mediated chemical transformations in wetlands in The Wetland Book: 1. Structure and Function, Management and Methods M. Finlayson, N. C. Davidson, B. Middleton, R. McInnes, M. Evard, A. van Dam and K. Irvine eds. Springer doi:10.1007/978-94-007-6172-8 65-1

D.S. Baldwin, S. Hladyz, S. Watkins, K. Whitworth, and T. Wallace (2010). Managing Water Quality in a Drying Climate: Lessons Learnt from a Decade-long Drought in Addressing Global Environmental Challenges: Policies and Actions. pp 72-87 Panel II Beijing Forum, Beijing China, November, 2010.

D.S. Baldwin and T. Wallace (2009).  Biogeochemistry.  Ecological outcomes of flow regimes in the Murray-Darling Basin (I. Overton, M. Colloff, T. Doody, T. Henderson, and S. Cuddy (eds) pp 47-57.

A.M Mitchell,  D.S. Baldwin and G. N. Rees (2005) Alterations to potential phosphorus release processes from anaerobic freshwater sediments with additions of different species of labile carbon. In L Serrano and H Golterman (eds).  Phosphates in Sediments.  Backhuys Publishers pp 43 – 54.

D.S. Baldwin, J. Howitt and J. Beattie (2005) “Abiotic degradation of organic phosphorus in the environment” in B. Turner, E. Frossard and D.S. Baldwin (eds) Organic P in the Environment CABI Publishing, Wallingford.UK  pp 75 – 88.

A.M. Mitchell and D.S. Baldwin, (2005) Organic phosphorus in the aquatic environment: speciation, transformations and interactions with nutrient cycles in B. Turner, E. Frossard and D.S. Baldwin (eds) Organic P in the Environment CABI Publishing, Wallingford. UK pp 309 -324

D.S. Baldwin, A.M. Mitchell and J. Olley, (2002) Pollutant-Sediment Interactions: Sorption, Reactivity and Transport of Phosphorus in Haygarth P. and Jarvis, S. (eds) Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, pp 265-280

D.S. Baldwin, A.M. Mitchell and G. Rees (2001) “Nitrogen Cycling in Australian Wetlands – A Synthesis” in B. T. Hart and M. Grace (eds) Sources, Transformations, Effects and Management of Nitrogen in Freshwater Ecosystems, Land and Water Australia, Canberra,  ISBN 0 642 76052 7

D.S. Baldwin, (1999) Nutrients in Freshwater Ecosystems. In B Ingram (ed) Towards Best Practice in Land-Based Salmonid Farming: Options for treatment re-use and disposal of Effluent. Pp18-25. Marine and Freshwater Resources Institute ISBN  0 7311 4253 5

B. Hart, R. Oliver, M. Grace, R. Beckett, C. Rees and D. Baldwin (1997); Darling River – Nutrient Cycling and Algal Bloom Triggers. In Proc. 1995 Riverine Research Forum (Eds. R. Banens and R. Lehane) pp. 113-121. Murray-Darling Basin Commission.  ISBN 1 875209 66 2.

D.S. Baldwin, A. Mitchell and G. Rees, (1997) Chemistry and Microbial Ecology: processes at the micro scale in N. Klomp and I. Lunt (eds) Frontiers in Ecology: Building the links. Elsevier, Oxford pp 171-181.

D.S. Baldwin (1996); Structural Characterisation of Aquatic Phosphorus in K. Robbards and S. Helliwell (eds) Nutrient Determination in Freshwaters Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Occasional Paper 08/95. ISBN 0 642 20624 4.

Publications as editor:

S.M Mitrovic and D. S. Baldwin (2016) Allochthonous Dissolved Organic Carbon. A special edition of Marine and Freshwater Research 67(9) 1279 – 1399.

P. Humphries and D.S. Baldwin (2003) Drought in Aquatic Environments. A special edition of Freshwater Biology 48(7), 1141-1283. 2003.

D.S. Baldwin (1996) National Workshop on Sediment-Nutrient Interactions: Extended Abstracts, ISBN 1 876144 02 5


D.S. Baldwin, L. Lindoy and P. Tasker (1990) Composition comprising a macrocyclic compound and an organic acid and its use in metal extraction; EP 0355045, AU 8938969, BR 8904080, US 5173210 et al.

Industry, technical and other scientific reports:

B. Wolfenden and D.S. Baldwin (2023). Reconnecting River Country: Hypoxic Blackwater time Series Assessment. A report by NSW Department of Planning and Environment. 90 pp.

D. S. Baldwin (2022). Analysis of water quality in selected lagoons on Gunbower Island – 2021/22. A report to the North-Central Catchment Management authority. 58 pp.

D. S. Baldwin (2022) Third interim report on the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires on water and sediment quality in Lake Hume: January 2020 to June 2021. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. A report to the Department of Environment Land, Water and Planning

D. S. Baldwin (2022) Impacts of the 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires on water quality in North-East Victoria and Gippsland. A report to Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 171 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2022) Litter Loads and hypoxia in Barmah-Millewa Forest: May and June 2022  A report to the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.

L. Pearce, M.J. Watson, D. S. Baldwin K. Doyle, L. Baumgartner (2021) Long-term effects of the 2019-20 bushfires – Water quality and Murray Crayfish. Lateral Lines June, 51 (1), 15 – 19.

R. J. Watts, D. S. Baldwin, X. Liu, N. McCasker and G. Doran (2021). Koondrook-Perricoota Floodplain Carbon sources.  A report to Forestry Corporation of NSW.  47 pp.

D. S. Baldwin (2021) Understanding hypoxic blackwater events in the Wimmera River Catchment . A report to the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority 30 pp.

 D.S. Baldwin (2021) Litter Loads and hypoxia in Barmah-Millewa Forest: may 2021  A report to the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.

D. S. Baldwin (2021) Planning for restarting rivers to minimise harm to native fish and other aquatic biota in the Murray-Darling Basin. 49 pp.

D. S. Baldwin (2021) Second interim report on the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires on water and sediment quality in Lake Hume: January 2020 to June 2021. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, 50pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2021).  Water quality in Reedy Lagoon and Black Swamp: Conceptualising: the shift between clear water and turbid wetlands. A report to North-Central Catchment Management Authority. 30pp.

D. S . Baldwin (2020) Interim Report on the Impacts of the 2019/20 bushfires on water and sediment quality in Lake Hume: January to June 2020. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority 42 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2020) Sediment quality in Lake Wyangan and the implications for the on-going management of the Lake. A report to Griffith City Council, 21 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2020) Assessing the response to the risk of hypoxia in the Lower Darling River: November 2019 until March 2020.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, 93 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2019) Stratification, mixing and fish deaths in the lower Darling River.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

D.S. Baldwin (2019) Weir stratification and hypoxic water management – Murrumbidgee River 2019.  A report to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office

D. S. Baldwin (2019) Using return flows from Gunbower Forest to subsidise energy and nutrients in Gunbower Creek: A feasibility study. A report to the North-Central Catchment Management Authority.

D.S. Baldwin (2018) Acid Sulfate Soils in Cockatoo Lagoon. A report to the North Central Catchment Management Authority 21 pp.

D.S. Baldwin.  Listing and prioritising research questions and activities to address the on-going management of Yeodene Big Swamp and Boundary Creek.  A report prepared for Barwon Water.

D.S. Baldwin (2018) A framework for assessing the risk associated with sulfate and acid sulfate soils in, and around, Ranger Uranium Mine: Program logic. Prepared for the Supervising Scientist Branch, the Department of Environment and Energy by Rivers and Wetlands, June, 2018.

D.S. Baldwin (2018) Establishing a monitoring program to determine carbon exchange during managed flood events in Gunbower Forest. A report to North-central Catchment Management Authority. 30pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2018) Discussion Paper: Listing and prioritising research questions to address the on-going management of Yeodene Big Swamp and Boundary Creek.  A report to Barwon Water.

D. S Baldwin (2018) The potential impacts of changed hydrology on water and sediment chemistry in Cockatoo Lagoon.  A report o the North Central Catchment Management Authority

D.S. Baldwin (2018) Litter loads and hypoxia in Barmah-Millewa Forest.  A report to the Goulburn-Broken Catchment Management Authority

D.S. Baldwin (2017). Hypoxic blackwater events in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment. A report to the Goulburn-Broken Catchment Management Authority.  46pp.

P. Davis, B. Tucker, D. Baldwin, J. Brookes, T. Jacobs and R. Thompson (2017) Murray-Darling Basin Plan SDL Limits of Change Review: Independent Expert Advisory Panel Report. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. 74 pp.

D.S Baldwin (2017) Review of Supervising Scientist Branch rehabilitation standard for sulfate. Prepared for the Supervising Scientist Branch, the Department of Environment and Energy by Rivers and Wetlands, August, 2017

D.S. Baldwin DS, (2017) Understanding acid sulfate soils in Coonjimba Billabong. Prepared for the Supervising Scientist Branch, the Department of Environment and Energy by Rivers and Wetlands, May, 2017

D.S. Baldwin (2016) The potential impacts of climate change on water quality in the southern Murray-Darling Basin.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Joint Governments.

D.S. Baldwin (2016) Review of phosphorus and nitrogen loads in West Wodonga Waste Water Treatment Plant discharge and the risk to the Murray River system. A report to North East Water MDFRC Publication 135/2016.

D.S. Baldwin (2016) Are toxic algal blooms the new normal for Australia’s major rivers? The Conversation

D.S. Baldwin (2015) A risk assessment of delivering environmental water to Cockrans and Jimaringle Creeks. Final Report to the NSW Office of environment and Heritage. MDFRC Publication 90/2015.

N. Ning, D. Stratford, D. Nielsen, D. S Baldwin, P. Brown, J. Davis and H. McGuiness (2015). A review of climate refuge science and its application in the Murray-Darling Basin. Final Report to the Murray Darling Basin Authority.  MDFRC Publication 75/2015, 57pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2015). The impact of the 2014 environmental watering event at Gunbower Forest on dissolved oxygen and carbon stores.  A report to the North Central Catchment Management Authority.  MDFRC Publication 72/2015.  23pp.

D.S. Baldwin, B. Gawne, M. Henderson, D. Nielsen, N. Ning, R. Petrie, A. Price, R. Stoffels and G. Watson (2014) The Living Murray icon sites: synthesis of monitoring outcomes for 2012-13. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority by the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 46/2014.  76 pp.

Ning, D. Linklater, D. S. Baldwin and L Baumgartner (2014) Assessing the risk of hypoxic blackwater generation at proposed SDL offset project sites on the lower River Murray floodplain. Final Report prepared for the Mallee CMA by The Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 37/2014. 38 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2014) Evaluating the River Murray system aggregated risks from environmental watering actions at TLM Icon Sites. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority, MDFRC Publication 30/2013.  39 pp.

D.S. Baldwin and W. Valo (2014) Predicting the bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.  60 pp.

I. Overton, C. Pollino, J.Roberts, J. Reid, N. N. Bond, H. McGinness, B. Gawne, D. Stratford, L. Merrin, D. Barma, S. Cuddy, D. Nielsen, T. Smith, B. Henderson, D. Baldwin, G. Chiu, and T. Doody (2014) Development of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan SDL Adjustment Ecological Elements Method. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

D.S. Baldwin Devices for Blackwater (2014) RipRap 37, 12-13.

D.S. Baldwin and K. L. Whitworth (2014) Monitoring he effects of environmental flows on hypoxic blackwater in the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers. A report to the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office. 28pp.

B. Gawne, D.S. Baldwin, N. Bond, S. Lake, R. Lester and B. Walker (2013). Ecosystem resilience and the Murray-Darling Basin Plan Final report prepared for the Murray-Darling Basin authority by the Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 20/2013, Wodonga.

B. Gawne, D. Baldwin, C. Campbell, M. Henderson, D. Nielsen R. Stoffels and G. Watson (2013). Condition of “The Living Murray’ icon sites: a synthesis of monitoring outcomes from 2011-12. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. 75 pp.

K.L. Whitworth, D.S. Baldwin and A. Keogh (2013). Improving the capacity to manage blackwater in the southern Murray-Darling Basin.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. 156 pp.

M. Henderson, Y. Liu and D. S. Baldwin (2013) Trends in physical and chemical aspects of water quality in the Murray-Darling Basin 1978 – 2011. CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country Flagship, Australia.

D.S. Baldwin (2013) Investigating the influence of the drawdown of Mildura Weir pool on downstream water quality.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

Robson, V. Matveev, D. S Baldwin, P. Ford and A. Revill (2013) Materials fluxes through freshwater ecosystems: Review and Gap analysis. CSIRO report.

D.S. Baldwin, K. Whitworth and J. Pengelly. (2013) Investigating the influence of changes in the River Murray Water Quality Monitoring program on future capacity to detect trends in water quality. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

D.S. Baldwin (2012) Action Support Tool for managing sulfidic sediments in inland waterways. Wetlands Australia E-Newsletter, Issue no. 21.

D.S. Baldwin, K. L Whitworth, E. Silvester, R. Read and J. Brookes (2012). Investigating the cause of high pH in wetlands of the south east of South Australia. SA Department for Water. 49 pp.

K.L Whitworth and D. S. Baldwin (2012). Blackwater in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin during 2012 flood events.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. 34 pp.

D.S. Baldwin and S. Capon (2011) Sulfidic sediments in inland waterways. Waterlines report Series No 55. National Water Commission, Canberra.  41pp.

C.J. Campbell and D. S. Baldwin (2011) Assessing the effectiveness of The Living Murray managed watering events and the adequacy of monitoring and reporting arrangements. Report prepared for the Murray-Darling Basin Authority by The Murray- Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MDFRC Publication 21/2011, June, 25pp.

K.L. Whitworth, J. Williams, A. Lugg and D. S. Baldwin (2011). A prolonged and extensive hypoxic blackwater event in the Southern Murray-Darling Basin.  A report to the Murray Darling Basin Authority. 140 pp.

N. Ning, D. L Nielsen and D. S. Baldwin (2011). Impact of sulfidic sediments on the viability of dormant propagules. Final report to the NSW Environment Trust. 26 pp.

Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council (Principle Author: D. S. Baldwin) (2011) Acid Sulfate Soils in the Murray-Darling Basin. 81 pp. Murray-Darling Basin Commission

The Environment Protection and Heritage Council and the Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council (Principal Author:  D. S. Baldwin) (2011), National Guidance on the Management of Acid Sulfate Soils in Inland Aquatic Ecosystems.  Department of Environment Water Heritage and the Arts.

D.S. Baldwin, J. Williams and K. Whitworth (2011) Understanding blackwater generated from the Koondrook-Perricoota Forest.  Final Report to the Murray-Darling Basin authority.  191 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2011).  Determining water regimes to protect floodplains under hyperdrought conditions.  A report to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities Commonwealth Environment Research Facilities.  62 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2010).  Action Support tool for managing sulfidic sediments in inland aquatic

D.S. Baldwin (2010) Minimising Environmental damage from water recovery from inland wetlands: Determining water regimes to minimise the impact of sulfidic sediments (potential acid sulfate soils): Scientific Outputs.  A report to the National Water Commission. 359 pp.

S. Watkins, S. Haldyz, K. Whitworth and D.S. Baldwin (2010). Understanding the relationship between low dissolved oxygen blackwater events and managed flows in the Edward-Wakool River system. Report to the Murray Catchment Management Authority. 66 pp.

D. S. Baldwin (2010). Drought, Drawdown and algal blooms in Lake Hume., a large water Storage reservoir, Australia.  SIL News 56: 14-15.

G. Watson, E. Bullock, C. Sharpe and D.S. Baldwin (2009). Water Quality Tolerances of Biota of the Murray-Darling Basin. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.  34 pp.

T. Ralph and D. S. Baldwin (2009) Aerial Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils Risk along the Darling River Corridor. A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Authority

S. Hladyz, S. C. Watkins and D. S. Baldwin (2009) Current understanding of blackwater events relating to the Edward-Wakool River System. Report prepared for the Murray Catchment Management Authority.

J. Brookes, D.S. Baldwin, J. Koehn and G.G. Ganf (2009) Expert Evaluation of Risk Assessment for the Chowilla Regulator. A report to the South Australian Murray-Darling basin natural Resource Management Board.

D.S. Baldwin (2009) Knowledge needs to minimise adverse Water Quality Events in the Edward-Wakool River System.  A report to the NSW Department of water and Energy. 27 pp.

D.S. Baldwin, A. Boulding and L. Hussey (2009).  Impacts of recreational boating on bank stability in the Murray River.  A report to the Murray Catchment Management Authority. 89 pp.

D.S Baldwin and K. Whitworth (2009).  Current Conditions in the Wakool River and the potential for blackwater events resulting in Fish Deaths.  MDFRC Technical Report 1/2009.

D.S. Baldwin (2008) Dissemination of information on sulfidic sediments in inland waterways.  A Report to the NSW Environmental Trust. 21pp

D.S Baldwin (2008) Biogeochemistry in Overton, I.C., Doody, T.M. and Cuddy, S.M. (eds). ‘Ecological Outcomes of Flow Regimes: Data Availability’. Report prepared for the National Water Commission by CSIRO: Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship.

D.S. Baldwin (2008) Assessment of sulfidic sediments in Coonancoocabill Lagoon.  A report prepared for Water for Rivers. 20pp

D.S. Baldwin, J. Wilson, H. Gigney. G. Watson, A. Boulding and L. Huzzey (2008) Lake Hume Integrated Water Quality Study, Summer 2006/07.  A Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.  164 pp.

D.S. Baldwin, M. A. Fraser and B. McCarthy (2008) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Back Creek, NSW.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.

D.S. Baldwin (2008) Impacts of Recreational Boating on River Bank Stability: Wake Characteristics of Powered Vessels. A report to the Murray Catchment Management Authority 21 pp.

D.S. Baldwin (2008) A chain-of-ponds configuration as a potential goal for the restoration of Tuppal Creek.  MDFRC Technical Report 1/2008.

D.S. Baldwin, M.A. Fraser and B. McCarthy (2008) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Tumudgery Creek.  A report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.

S. Baldwin, M. A. Fraser and B. McCarthy (2008) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Washpen Creek. A report to the Murray Darling Basin Commission.

G.N. Rees, K. Hall, D. S.  Baldwin and S. Perryman (2007). The lower Broken Creek: aspects of water quality and growth of Azolla species. A report prepared for Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority, 38pp

D.S Baldwin and Tiana Johannis Designs (2007). Sulfidic Sediments in Australia’s Inland Waterways.  A CD-ROM prepared for the NSW Environmental Trust.

D.S. Baldwin and A. Boulding (2007) Developing a strategy for monitoring phytoplankton community structure in Lake Mulwala. A report Prepared for Goulburn Murray Water 33 pp.

T. Wallace, P. McGuffie, O. Scholz, D. L. Nielsen, T. Bowen, C. Sharpe, D. S. Baldwin, J. Reid and B. McCarthy (2007). The Darling Anabranch Adaptive Management Monitoring Plan: Condition and Intervention Monitoring Program. Report prepared for the Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Authority. 111pp.

D.S. Baldwin, B. McCarthy and M. Henderson. (2007) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments at Tareena Billabong, NSW. A Report to the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change.

D.S. Baldwin (2007) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Cooks, Quatt Quatta and Croppers Lagoons. A report to the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change.

D.S. Baldwin (2007) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Margooya Lagoon. A report to the Mallee Catchment Management Authority|.

D.S. Baldwin (2007) A Biophysical (‘aquatic habitat’) assessment of the natural and current ecological condition of Tuppal creek. MDFRC Technical Report 1/2007.

D.S. Baldwin (2007) Assessment of Sulfidic Sediments in Seven South Australian Wetlands. A report to the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board

L. Huzzey and D.S. Baldwin (2007) Impacts of Recreational Boating on River Bank Stability: A review.  A Report to the Murray Catchment Management Authority.

T. Wallace, Gawne B., Baldwin D. S., McCarthy B., and Nielsen D. (2007) A standardised protocol for assessing the suitability of permanent wetlands for disconnection. A report prepared for the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.

J. Brookes, M. Burch, T. Wallace, D.S. Baldwin. (2007) Risk Assessment of Cyanobacteria and Blackwater events in Chowilla Floodplain. A report Prepared for the South Australian Murray-Darling Natural Resources Management Board.

Boulding and D.S. Baldwin (2006) Impacts of domestic grazing animals on the water quality of Lake Hume – a desktop analysis. A report prepared for Goulburn-Murray Water.

Brookes, D. Baldwin, G. Ganf, K. Walker and B. Zampatti (2006). Ecological Evaluation of Proposed works for Chowilla Floodplain.  A Report prepared for Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation.

B. McCarthy, S. Meredith, D. Nielsen and D. Baldwin (2006) Barmah Wetland System Environmental Monitoring Program Part A: Background. A report to the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.

B. McCarthy, S. Meredith, D. Nielsen and D. Baldwin (2006) Barmah Wetland System Environmental Monitoring Program Part B: Monitoring Program. A report to the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority.

K. Hall, D.S. Baldwin, G.N Rees and A. Richardson (2006). Distribution of sulfidic sediments inland wetlands of New South Wales.  Final Report to the NSW Environment Trust.

K. Hall, D. S. Baldwin, G. N Rees and A. Richardson (2006). Distribution of sulfidic sediments in wetlands along the Murray River.  Final Report to the Murray Wetlands Working Group.

D.S. Baldwin & P.M. Bowen (2005) Developing a Monitoring Strategy for Lake Mulwala. A report prepared for Goulburn Murray Water.

D.S. Baldwin, R. Croome, V. Mateev, A. Mitchell, R. Oliver, B. Sherman and J. Williams (2005). Cyanobacterial (Blue-Green Algal) Blooms in Lake Hume.  A report to Lake Hume Blue-Green Algal Task force.

J. Howitt, D. S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees and J. Williams (2005) BLACKWATER MODEL – A revised computer model to predict dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon downstream of Barmah-Millewa Forest following a flood. Report to the Murray-Darling Basin Commission. 139 pp.

A. Richardson, G. Rees and D. Baldwin (2005).  A review of the existing literature on the environmental effects of Wyangla Dam.  A report to NSW State Water. 76 pp.

G.N Rees, D. Nielsen, M. Brock, D. Baldwin, G. Watson, R. Oliver Z. Lorenz, R. Petrie, R. Croome & L. Bowling (2005). The effects of increasing salinity on ecosystem function, resilience and diversity.  A report to the CRC for Freshwater Ecology

Atkinson, D. Baldwin, N. Bond, A. Glaister, M. Grace, and P.S. Lake (2005) Ecological responses and adaptive stream rehabilitation: Application to degraded rural streams. A Report to the CRC for Freshwater Ecology.

D. S. Baldwin, P. Bowen and J. Howitt (2005) Results of the sampling program to address critical knowledge gaps identified in assessing the environmental condition of Lake Mulwala. A report prepared for Goulburn Murray Water.

J. Howitt, D. S. Baldwin and J. Hawking (2005) A review of the existing studies on Lake Hume and its catchment. A Report prepared for Goulburn Murray Water. 123pp.

J. Howitt, D. S. Baldwin, G. N. Rees and J. Williams (2004) BLACKWATER MODEL – A computer model to predict dissolved oxygen and dissolved carbon downstream of Barmah-Millewa Forest following a flood. A report to the Barmah-Millewa Forum.

M. Richardson, D. S. Baldwin and B. Gawne (2004) Recommendations for Monitoring Program for Tuppal and Bullatale Creeks. Report to Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources.

J. Howitt, D. S. Baldwin and J. Hawking (2004) A review of the existing studies on Lake Mulwala and its catchment. A Report prepared for Goulburn-Murray Water. 96pp.

G.N Rees, H. Gigney and D. Baldwin (2004) Mussel deaths in the Cattanch Canal: a desktop investigation into potential mechanisms leading to mortality. A report prepared for Goulburn-Murray Water.

D. Bennett, M. J. Angove, J. D. Wells, B. B. Johnson and D. S. Baldwin Characterisation of bushfire residues and their leachates. Supersoil 2004: Proceedings of the 3rd Australian New Zealand Soils Conference, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 – 9 December 2004.

J. Williams, D.S. Baldwin and D. Nielsen (2004) Wetland and Floodplain Monitoring Handbook:  A review of Methodologies. A report prepared for the Murray-Darling Basin Commission.

J. Howitt and D.S. Baldwin (2003) A comparison of methods for inundating floodplains. A report prepared for the Barman-Millewa Forum.

D.S  Baldwin, B. Campbell, J. Frankenberg, T. Hillman, A. King, J. Koehn and K. Ward  (2003) Final Report Living Murray Regional Evaluation Group B (Hume Dam to Yarrawonga Weir). A report prepared for the Murray Darling Basin Commission.

S. Baldwin, J. Howitt and M. Edwards (2001) Blackwater Events, Austasia Aquaculture 15, 21.

D.S  Baldwin and P. Humphries (eds) (2001)  International Symposium on the Role of Drought in Aquatic Ecosystems  – Abstracts

B. Sherman, P. Ford, P. Hatton, J. Whitington, D. Green, D.S. Baldwin, R. Oliver, R. Shiel, J. Van Berkel, L. Gray, W. Maher (2001). The Chaffey Dam Story. Final Report CRC for Freshwater Ecology.$FILE/CDS%20Final%20v12b.pdf

B Gawne, D.S. Baldwin, G. Beattie, T. Bowen, I. Ellis, J. Frankenberg, Z. Lorenz,  C. Merrick, R. Oliver, S. Treadwell, D. Williams, D. and G. Rees. (2001). Ecological functioning of lowland river ecosystems.  Final Report.  CRC Freshwater Ecology.

J. Whittington, T. Hillman, D.S. Baldwin, G. Rees. (1999) Management of Wingecarribee Swamp and Reservoir: Identification of Knowledge Gaps.  Prepared for the Sydney Catchment Authority.

D.S. Baldwin. Nutrient Release from Dried Sediments in Australian Freshwater Ecology: Processes and Management A. Boulton and M. Brock Gleneagles publishing p. 153.

D.S. Baldwin (1999) Preliminary report to Woodward-Clyde on the Karkarook Fines. Prepared for Woodward Clyde.

D.S. Baldwin (1998) Comments on “Butyltin Contamination in Marine Mammals from North Pacific and Asian Coastal Waters. Environmental  Science and  Technology  32, 2354

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1998), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1997), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.

D.S. Baldwin (1996) Salinity in Australian Rivers. Australasian Science 17, 15-17.

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1996), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.

D.S. Baldwin (1995) Determining the effects of drawdown on sediments from a eutrophic reservoir. Symposium on Sediment Water Interface in Freshwater Estuarine and Near Shore Systems – Proceedings. Chapter 18.  Maroobra Sydney 29-30 August. 1995

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1995), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1994), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.

H. King and D. S. Baldwin (1993), Annual Report of Chemical and Biological Monitoring for Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd. Annual Report of Compliance with EPA Licence Requirements and Development Consent Conditions, Technical Services Division, ANM, Albury.